I wanted to thank everyone for all the support and prayers that have been sent our way. It has been comforting to know that so many people are out there to help us with anything we need. I am thankful that everyone has offered some kind of support and if we don't ask for physical help always know that we always need prayers. I wanted to let the RFD know how thankful I am to have them around and know that whatever I need they are there for Eric and myself. I am glad that Eric was able to attend the party and I finally was able to meet a few of the people who Eric has spent so much time with. I have always been proud to say that my husband is a firefighter but I am honored to say that he is a firefighter with the RFD. Over the course of the next few weeks I know that we will be asking for additional help getting Eric to his appointments and I want everyone to know what a difference this will make in his treatment. I want for him to have the best care and I know that The City of Hope is the best place for him right now. He needs to be around for Hunter and myself for a very long time. As he mentioned earlier 22 years is a long time to be with someone and neither of us plan to find out anything different. I also what to thank the staff at CHS and TVUSD, the support and comfort has been wonderful, I certainly never expected to need so much from the people I work with.
Anyhow on a happier note, the house cleaner starts tomorrow (thanks to the neighbors), and for those of you who know me this is great news. Eric is still unsure about someone cleaning our house but I have assured him that they will do a better job than I do and this seems to make it a little eaiser. Hunter was not too excited about having to clean his toy room, until I told him that the bathrooms were also going to get cleaned. He did not have a problem after that. We are also getting ready for Christmas, the lights are up and the tree is almost ready (we have to soak it for 2 days so I have to get it early in the week for it to be ready by Saturday). I wonder if other firefighters wives have to plan ahead so there is time built in for soaking the tree? I know Eric is happy he will be home everyday to water the tree, who knows how much water it gets when he is working. I guess this is one conversation we will not have to have this year, I know the tree gets dry and will catch on fire!
Well I hope everyone will enjoy this season with their loved ones. Time is so precious and it is important to make every moment count. Sometimes we get so busy in our daily lives we forget what is really important. Make sure that you make time for all of those that are important to you and if that means staying at home and sitting by the fire one night and not shopping or going to a party than stay home and cherish every moment.
Thank you again for everything,