Friday, February 6, 2009

Update! Another Challenge

Hello everyone,

I guess from the title you have already figured out that something is going on and we are about to face another challenge. Let me start with a review. Eric has been doing very well the last month or so even though he did not feel that great. I was sure that everything was fine with him and was not the least bit worried about the MRI on Friday (today). Well on Wednesday Eric had lunch with me and the girls from work and we noticed a few odd word issues but not too much to think about so we continued on with our day. I went to get my nails done after work and while there Hunter called with out Eric's knowledge to let me know that he needed help with homework and that daddy could not help because he was talking funny and not making any sense. So I left right away and got home and asked Eric what was going on and he said "what" and then started talking but was making no sense, mixing up words, saying random things etc. So I called The City of Hope and they said call 911. Eric kept saying no 911 I fine. He was not fine! So I called 911 he went to the ER and was transferred to the City of Hope around 10:30pm. He was admitted and given meds to help the swelling. On Thursday afternoon he had the MRI and the Dr. came by around 5pm to let us know that he had good news and bad news. Oh great!!! He said that Eric has another tumor and this was not good, it grew back so quick and this was a very big concern. Although the good news was that it was not touching any brain and he would be able to take it out without much issue. He said that because Eric was so young he would recommend surgery and removing the tumor. Eric did not hesitate to answer and said "yes let's do it than" . He feels that this Dr. is the best and is confident with his advice. So we meet the Dr. on Monday and find out when in the next two weeks Eric will be going in for his third tumor removal. What a big surprise to all of us.....I know I felt like someone hit me over the head with a hammer! Although I will have to say that Eric is handling this very well and continues to but his faith in God and knows that there is a reason for all of this to happen. Hunter and I are lucky to have such a strong person to help keep us grounded. Anyhow you ask what then......well after the surgery Eric will heal and start his next chemo which will be intravenous. It is called avastin and they will pair it with something called cpt-11. He should not have terrible side effects mostly just annoying stuff! He will have the chemo every other week until it stops working.

Well I guess that is it in a nut shell. I know that Eric wants to write something but I asked him if I could fill everyone in first. So look for something this weekend from Eric. Will will update about the surgery as soon as we know more.

Thanks for all your prayer,


Anonymous said...

Hallie, Eric, and Hunter,

As always, you are in my thoughts and prayers. If there is anything at all that you need please let me know.
Cathy B.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update Hallie, you guys are in my thoughts and prayers.

Jessica Post

Anonymous said...

We are thinking about all of you and hoping and praying that all will be well. Continue to be strong! Thank you for the update :-) You guys are great at keeping everyone posted. Call me if there is anything I can do from here. I have great listening skills :-) And I know you guys are in great hands at City of Hope. Cindy Fojo

Anonymous said...

thinking of you guys i know your strong and god will take care of you my prayers are with you. hallie you are a great woman we are here to support you.

love carol

Anonymous said...

Our prayers are with you.

The Pier Family