Hey to Everyone! Well I have tons of info and things to share so lets begin by starting with the best and running to the worst. Here we go:
I got the last stitches taken out of my head today! Yea! It is only 2 months extra after my surgery and I finally have all the stitches removed. So fantastic to get it all done, cleaned, and complete.
Next a special thanks to all the teachers, and staff who were in the Faculty Follies & Silent Auction. It is VERY hard for me to sit back and tell you all what a great event that this was for us to attend. It was awsome seeing the people with their entertainment as well as having so many people there to help and assist us. I just want to say thank you from my heart. It is very difficult for me to talk about my situation, but I just want to again say thanks.
Before the teachers it was coming from the City of Riverside Fire Department who was able to give a little, or even quite a bit. To my brothers, sisters, and family members I just wanted to say thanks. After working next to most of you for my ten years and then by the person who is on this side of the help is unbelievable. For all this time I wished that I was there to be a helper, but I don't think that is too much part of my future. Thanks again.
Another totally unbelievable and shocking thing is the help from the City of Riverside Police Department. Getting something from your department was awsome. There are many times when we don't get to work side by side, but when you have given such a wonderful gift to a co-worker is truly thankful. Thanks again for all your help and your amazing gift.
Now the not so fun, the chemo which is an infusion. Last time I was only given one of the two types that I will get on Friday the 24th, and oh my gosh. Well let me share a little with you on this, since it took the nurse almost an hour to give me all the things that I need to know. Here I am, almost two weeks after the first one, and I am already starting to loose hair, have internal issues, and feel and hear many different things in my head. Sweet! Anyway I don't want you all to think that I am complaining, but this is the first time and just like we talked many days ago, this is just another one of those areas where I must be the one to step over the curb and keep walking. I mean really if this is the only thing that is going to be the help or the thing that keeps me here longer then it is exactly what I must get done. Besides who wants to be the guy to have a seat at the wall and look sad that his time is gone all because he didn't believe that with God he could do anything.
Total Mass Confusion~
9 years ago
You and Hallie continue to amaze me with your optimism, strength and courage. If you are starting to feel the chemo then just imagine what it is doing to the cancer. You are right that anything is possible with God by your side. Hang in there and know that we are praying for you.
Eric and Hallie, you continue to be such an inspiration! My Mom talked about the noises and the sounds. She said she went from loose to constipated stool. She did not have the fight to continue. I am so happy that you do :-) Just keep up your spirits and fight. Cancer has only as much power as we give it! I wish I could have been there for your big event. I bet the district put on an amazing show. You guys are so fortunate to have so many loving people around to help and support you, that is again amazing. Have wonderful day :-) Cindy
Well Eric, Sorry I was not able to attend the talent show but I did try. As your wife has probably told you from time to time to ask for directions and like me you ignored her, this is my story of getting lost thinking I knew where I was going. Well, at the last minute, I decided to go to this event and convinced my lovely to go as well. I went to the web site and the event page and for some bizare reason I remembered the letter head and thought the event was at Temecula High School. Quickly looking to see what time it started, not thinking that Temecula has gotten big enough for two high schools, I map quested the address on the letter head (to district headquarters down the street from TVH). we were off at about 1717. We arrived at TVH at about 1815 found lots of cars but no one at the ticket counter at the gym, multipurpose room etc. When we asked a few of the stragling students if there was a facualty tallent show and if they knew Mrs. Botkin, they seemed to have a blank look. Must of thought I was someone from outerspace or a pervert. The wife was in the car just knowing that I screwed up and she did suggest that there might be another high school. Since we determined that I did not read the information very clearly on the memo and not knowing where the other high school (if there was one) was, we decided to eat at the Black Angus. The one in Riverside closed and we had gotten a gift certificate at this resturant. I don't know why I wrote this excuse except that I hope it brings you a little laughter. I am sure you are wondering how I ever made Captain. I wonder that sometimes myself. Anyway, I never got lost on the job because the Engineer drove, and I let them. Anyway glad to hear that the event went off like gang buster. I am hopefully praying that your next round of chemo isn't as bad as this last one and that along with God's healing hand delivers the healing that we are all hoping for.
Tony and Cindy Braun
Eric, in your April 5th blog you said you think there is something for you to do or accomplish before God calls you home to Him. Maybe there's something really big, or maybe you have blessed someone through your actions or words and don't even know about it!
Maybe your faith has drawn others into a deeper faith! Maybe you have shown others that we all need to be ready to take our last breath, and we need to know with certainly where we will be when we take our first breath in Eternity!
God loves us so much that when our sinful nature separated us from Him, He gave us His Son! When we accept Jesus, we don't have the sinful nature anymore, and are acceptable to the Father! Jesus bridged the gap between us and God!
Jesus is the assurance that our first breath in eternity will be with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
Anyway, maybe God is waiting for you to do something big for Him. But know this, He's already done something big for you!
If you believe in Him and His Son, and have given that same Hope to your wife and son, then what bigger thing could there possibly be? That's huge! It's bigger than time and eternity!
You are an inspiration, and you are in my prayers.
It was great to meet you in person at the fund raiser event. It was a wonderful display of the love people have for you and Hallie for the kind and loving spirit you both show. It was also a privilege to give what we could from our hearts. You and your family are so worth it.
May our loving God continue to give you strength to bear up with whatever lies ahead.
With Christian love
Friends who care
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