Saturday, October 15, 2011

Hunter Update...

It is hard to believe that Hunter is 12 years old. I can’t believe that 12 years ago he was just a baby and now he is a pre-teen. I am lucky to have such a wonderful, loving, caring, happy pre-teen and “yes” he will stay that way as a teen (well I am hopeful anyhow). Well Hunter has matured so much over the past year, he can stay home for a while by himself and if you happen to get a call from Eric’s cell phone don’t be shocked, (like so many were) it is just Hunter on his dad’s cell phone, and he finally has a facebook account which does make this teacher mom a bit nervous.

Hunter has successfully completed the 6th grade and we are a few months into the 7th grade already, things are getting a bit harder for him in school but he does take after his dad in the school department and does very well without much work. Of course I did give him something….yes the ability to be social and talkative. So I guess he has the best of both worlds smart and extra friendly!

Hunter is playing soccer and the season is almost over he enjoys soccer but his true passion continues to be baseball. He has been practicing 2 times a week with a baseball training club and has learned so much from the coaches. Not only the game of baseball but the importance of a good attitude and hard work. Of course he is still in Boy Scouts, we will see if he will continue the verdict is still up in the air.

I am so thankful that he is such a great kid, being a parent is hard enough these days but being a single parent is even harder, having Hunter as a son makes it so much easier to be a single parent and I am so thankful for that.



1 comment:

على جمال said...

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تعتبر مكافحة النمل الابيض من أهم الأعمال التى يراعى اعطائها أهمية للتخلص من الحشرة النمل الابيض حيث تعتمد الشركة على مجموعه من المبيدات الآمنه والفعالة والموثوق فيها
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