Friday, August 20, 2010

Camp Widow


I know it has been some time since my last post and I am sorry about that. I am always thinking about what to write and then time just slips by. I always know it is time when others e-mail or call to see if everything is ok. This blog for them is a way of connecting to me without having to actually ask....How are you doing? How is Hunter etc.... Of course it is a way for me to discuss feeling, emotions and activities without having to worry about what others are thinking and if I am saying too much. It really is a wonderful tool and one I am thankful to have in my situation. The Internet has opened me up to a group of other widows and widowers, many who blog about their experiences, others are my facebook friends and now a few of us are moving into a new place, a place where friendships are developing though our tragedy. I certainly don't feel lucky but I do feel fortunate to have found this online support network .

A few weekends ago I went to a conference called "Camp Widow" it was in San Diego and I was able to meet many of my online friends. It was a very emotional experience for all of us. Some of us had lost our loved ones within the year and others it had been longer, much longer. There were many many women who are my age and younger with young children and others who are older with grown children. The one thing we all had in common was we have all lost our spouse. It was the first time for me to be in a room of people and not feel like I am the odd one, the one who lost her husband. We were all in the same "club" like it or NOT. We were all able to laugh and death jokes and cry at the same time. We all understood each others weird sense of humor and understood each others grief. Each and everyone of us knew exactly what the other was feeling, this great sense of loss.

This program was put on by an organization called Soaring Spirits Loss Foundation it was started by a women, Michele H and her friend Michelle D, who also lost their husbands. Michele H gave the keynote speech and it was truly inspiring. She said that our life can be compared to rock climbing. We all are some where in this pit trying to make our way out of the grief. Sometimes we are able to climb up, other times we have to go sideways in order to go forward and sometimes we fall back to the bottom. Each and everyone of us in in a different place and those of us who have made it to the top are able to help pull others to the top. When I was listening to her I could actually see this picture she was painting and I was able to connect with her thoughts on the process of grieving. It feels so right on, sometimes I feel just that way. I may be moving up, falling down or just going sideways. I have a linked a copy of what Michele said, so please take a look and if you know anybody who what benefit from this site or from SSLF please pass along the information. It is nice to know that I have a support network who knows exactly what I am going though and I can turn to them any time of the day or night.

Thank you all for your support and friendship,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This sounds like it was a good experience, so glad you got to go. I would think that is some very good support.