Whew! Well I have completed another exciting chemo treatment last Friday. The start of the second treatment wave has ended for the first time and I am happy to say that I have had no new issues. Again Whew! The second part of this treatment is taking double of the previous chemo pills. Double the mg, yes that is correct. I am happy to report that, even though it is five consecutive days for the pills, I am able to bypass most of the bad issues by taking it just before I go to bed. Now it is still wise to have an empty belly, and that is a bit easier to accomplish at night instead of during the busy day. Having completed the second round of chemo, I get a 23 day break until the next round starts. Taking this pill is set for the next six months and will possibly have some changes as the first MRI is around the corner in April or May.
As I continue to treat myself and to work hard in hopes to be here for along time, I have had the opportunity to chat with many different people. The other day I was talking to someone and we were chatting about how sometimes it is very difficult to see the pattern that God is laying out for your life. We endure all these things in our life and try to change this and that. We make the happy face for some and then don the sad face for other challenges that we question. It is just unbelievable as we look back and see that each of these events, regardless of how awesome or horrible are exactly as God had wanted us to experience life and grow as humans. It is sometimes so difficult to sit and think that these things are exactly the role that God wants for us. Regardless of how good or bad each of these things is they are all part of His plan. Now I know that we usually keep forgetting that the plan is already laid out and we are just moving along, but we must always take a moment and enjoy the fact that we are still part of the plan, working to complete something that will lead into something else either for ourselves or for others. I still want you all to know that as much as I wish there was someone else enjoying this part of God's plan, I realize that this is bigger than me and for whatever the reason I am the one who has to go though this and in doing so I am just living God's plan. That being said I am still me and still happy that I am here to spend time with my family, my friends and my supporters. Thanks again to everyone.
Total Mass Confusion~
9 years ago